The main objective of this course is to ease students in the development of data processing to draft the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Final Projects
The procedural competences linked to the BDFP subject that develops them are:
- CB3 Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.
- CT1 Analysis and synthesis capacity.
- CT2 Organising and planning capacity.
- CT5 Knowledge on IT applied to the field of study.
- CT6 Information management capacity.
- CT7 Conflicts resolution.
- CT14 Critical thinking.
Briefing dates/timetables
1st session: Friday, March 28, from 9.30 am to 13.30h.
2nd session: Friday, April 4, from 9.30 am to 13.30h.
3rd session: Friday, April 11, from 9.30 am to 13.30h.
Faculty of Education and Social Work
Faculties Building
Laboratories 307-308-309
Teaching staff in charge
– Academic Manager of the Course:
Yolanda Rodríguez Castro
– Teaching staff of the course:
Yolanda Rodríguez Castro, Rosana Martínez Román and José Luis Fernández Méndez
Short description of the course contents
Itinerary 1: Quantitative research
1st session
Descriptive statistics:
- Data organisation.
- Measures of central tendency and dispersion.
- Technical management of the SPSS.
- Data entry in SPSS.
2nd session
- Data analyse with SPSS.
3rd session
- Data analyse.
- Tables and figures elaboration.
- Presentation, description and/or interpretation.
Itinerary 2: Qualitative research
1st session
Content analyse:
- Typology of information object of analysis.
- Information/Data organisation.
- Information analyse assisted by computer.
2nd session
- Information analyse assisted by computer.
3rd session
- Tables and figures elaboration.
- Presentation, description and/or interpretation.