We are a faculty with a long tradition in the training of professionals in the socio-educational field. We belong to the University of Vigo and we are located on an urban campus, located in the center of the city of Ourense.
Our mission is to contribute to the construction of a more diverse and inclusive society through the training of expert professionals in attention to diversity, as well as research that enables the improvement of people’s lives, with special attention to most vulnerable.
To achieve this, we seek excellence, attention to diversity, equal opportunities and the right to be different. We intend to create a training space with universal accessibility that transcends classrooms and generates inclusive learning contexts that promote diversity.
Equality Label
The Equality Label has been created to make the effort made by many in our University, who fight everyday to research, teach, transfer, manager and produce feministic and from a gender point of view scientific knowledge visible, and publicly and institutionally acknowledged. This initiative aims to acknowledge the work made by centres, schools and faculties in the field of a real and effective equality between men and women promotion, and, in this way, achieve a more human, equality and fair university.
The Faculty of Education and Social Work achieved the Equality Label on April 8, 2022.

Galicianization Label
The Faculty of Education and Social Work of the Ourense campus is the winner of the Galicianization badge of the University of Vigo Gal Ego 2023, launched in the academic year 2023/2024 by the academic institution to encourage and recognize the use of the Galician language in faculties and schools.
The Faculty of Education and Social Work obtained the Distinction of Equality in December 2023.

Centre certified by FIDES-AUDIT
The Faculty of Education Sciences designed a Quality Guarantee System in collaboration with the Quality Area of the University of Vigo, following the guidelines of the programme FIDES-AUDIT.
The ACSUG (Agency for Quality Assurance in the Galician University System) issued a positive evaluation of the design of the centre Quality Guarantee System on the 26/04/2010. Later, on the 28/07/2017, the ACSUG issued as positive the certification report of the implementation of the Quality Guarantee System in the centre.