Sarmiento Campos

Associate Lecturer

Area of Research and Diagnosis Methods for Education
Department of Didactics, Educational Organization and Research Methods

Contact information

Faculty of Education and Social Work
Pavillón 1, Planta 3, Despacho 4
As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

+34 988 387 304


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

2nd term



1st term

On-site tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in fixed timetable on the following schedule:
– Monday: from 16:30 to 17:00, Ourense, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
– Thursday: from 16:30 to 17:00, Pavillon 1, 3º andar porta nº 4, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Online Secretariat.


2nd term

On-site tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in fixed timetable on the following schedule:
– Thursday: from 16:00 to 17:30, Pavillón 1, 3º andar porta nº 4, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social

On-site concerted tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in concerted timetable. You can arrange a meeting in your Virtual Secretariat.


Research group

Investigación Educativa

Research topics

  • Orientación Psicopedagóxica
  • Diversidade na Etapa de Infantil
  • Formación de Docentes e Educadoras/es