The Faculty of Education and Social Work has the adequate and sufficient facilities and resources to develop the educational activities planned at its degrees. Moreover, the facilities comply with the access requirements, according to the current regulations. The accessibility of the facilities for people with disabilities is regularly evaluated, and every year the possible incidences are reviewed and solved in collaboration with the Vice Chancellor Office and the Technical Unit of the University of Vigo.

The teaching activities and the services take place in various buildings:

  • The Faculties Building in which you can find, among others, the lecture rooms, many laboratories and the Dean Office services in the Faculty.
  • Pavilion 1 and Pavilion 2, in which you can find the teaching staff offices, the classrooms and some laboratories.

The Faculty has made the necessary modifications to ensure accessibility: parking spaces reserved for the physically disabled, adapted toilets, Braille signs in the lifts, etc.




Lecture rooms
Any of the lecture rooms are big enough to carry out the teaching activities. There are about 26 lecture rooms. The prototypes of these respond to different spatial typologies: amphitheatre, lecture rooms with fixed tables and chairs and, in a smaller number, lecture rooms with movable seats.

There is an stable budget for the the equipment of the teaching lecture rooms. There is a projector, a computer and a sound system in each lecture room. There is also a WiFi connection working in the whole faculty. There are also other audiovisual resources like TVs, VHS, videos and slide projectors.

Also there are lecture rooms with specific equipment to fulfil the particular needs of the teaching process in certain subjects:

  • Physical education and body expression classroom with mats, gymnastic benches, small materials (balls, hoops, ropes, etc.).
  • University Sports Centre with weight room, which includes high-technology equipment, squash, gaming tables, etc.
  • Music rooms with piano, xylophones, percussion and wind instruments, etc.
  • Visual Education and Plastic Arts room with different drawing and plastic arts materials, with specific furniture.


There are classrooms for work in medium and small groups, as well as for specific teaching staff meetings. There are 6 classrooms of different sizes and 4 researchers rooms in the centre. For personal work and study, students can use the spaces and open access rooms with internet connection, classrooms, conference room, library, etc.

For using some of these you might have to request a reservation in advance. The spaces used for work, study and activities planned for the students in the training program have the ideal physical-environmental conditions.


Door number Denomination Basement floor
2-3 Lecture room 0.1 (INTEGRA) Ground floor
4-5 Lecture room 0.2 Ground floor
6-7 Lecture room 0.3 Ground floor
8-9 Lecture room 0.4 Ground floor
10-11 Lecture room 0.5 (INTEGRA) Ground floor
12-13 Lecture room 0.6 (INTEGRA) Ground floor
14-15 Lecture room 0.7 (INTEGRA) Ground floor
16-17 Lecture room 0.8 (INTEGRA) Ground floor
18-19 Lecture room (INTEGRA) Ground floor
22 Lecture room 0.0 Ground floor
21 Lecture room 0.10 (videoconference) Ground floor
15 Lecture room 1.1 First floor
16 Lecture room 1.2 (INTEGRA) First floor
17 Lecture room 1.3 (INTEGRA) First floor
20-21 Lecture room 1.4 First floor
22-23 Lecture room 1.5 First floor
23-24 Lecture room 2.1 (Integra-recording) Second floor
25-26 Lecture room 2.2 Second floor
27-28 Lecture room 2.3 (VÍDEOCONFERENCIA) Second floor
02 Lecture room 2.4 Second floor
09 Lecture room 2.5 Second floor
10 Lecture room 2.6 Second floor
16 Lecture room 2.7 Second floor
18 Lecture room 2.8 (INTEGRA) Second floor
01-29 Lounges Second floor
21-22 Lecture room 3.1 Third floor
23-24 Lecture room 3.2 Third floor
25-26 Lecture room 3.3 Third floor
13 Lecture room 3.4 Third floor
03 Plastics lecture room (INTEGRA) Third floor
19 Music lecture room Third floor
31 Lecture room 4.1 (INTEGRA) Fourth floor
30 Lecture room 4.2 Fourth floor
28 Lecture room 4.3 Fourth floor
10 Classroom S1 Basement floor
07 Archaeology classroom Second floor
06 Medieval history classroom Second floor
05 History of art classroom Second floor
04 Geography classroom Second floor

There are plenty of laboratories in the centre, standing out the following: 3 sciences and science didactics, languages, audiovisual, video editing, photography, tests and experimental psychology laboratories. Most of these specialised spaces count on an IT and audiovisual complete equipment. There are specific equipment and material in the language laboratory, as well as 20 computer stations.


Door number Denomination Basement floor
22 Degrees coordination room Second floor
01 Languages laboratory Third floor
07 ITs laboratory 307 Third floor
08 ITs laboratory 308 Third floor
09 ITs laboratory 309 Third floor

In addition to the stations in the language laboratory, there are three Computer Rooms specialised for teaching, and a specific open access room in the Faculty, with 25 to 40 computer stations. These computer rooms (08, 17, 19 and Soto) are open for the users.

In order to freely use Internet, there is a laboratory with 75 computer stations shared with other faculties. Additionally, as it has been said, there is a WiFi connection in the whole University Campus.


The Central Library of the campus of Ourense include recently inaugurated facilities with current spaces, materials and technologies. There is an extensive book collection, of more than 50,000 volumes, several packs of electronic books, 400 printed journal title and more than 500 electronic journals, and a wide offer in data bases. In the library you can find an automated catalogue, being possible to loan in room and at home, a photocopier, users training, bibliographic and reference information, 400 reading stations, a group working room with 40 stations, 10 computers for catalogue consultation and 10 computers for consulting databases and electronic journals. There is WiFi connection. During the exam period, it also opens at night.


The Student Delegation in the Faculty of Education and Social Work can be found in the ground floor of the building.


In the University of Vigo, managed by the ATIC, there are videoconferencing rooms located in the different university Campus. These rooms enable to teach interactively as the necessary applications to do are shared. These rooms include an IT equipment for students to work. Planning will take place after completing the Videoconferencing Application Form, in order to achieve an optimal solution to the request made. Users must meet the established standards. The online teaching equipment include audiovisual media, encoding and decoding equipment, electronic boards and a set of computers for student practices. Additionally, there are three integrated mobile systems, one on each Campus, called POLYCOM, which enables to access videoconferences and multiconferences. It is a real-time video and voice streaming. In addition to other applications, video conferencing is a tool that can be used in the field of distance education.

Mass video conference AccessGrid: In the University of Vigo there are three AcessGrid rooms, one for each Campus. AccessGrid can be used as a video conference system which enables the participants from multiple locations to communicate in real time using Internet. The AccessGrid system can be used in an unknown number of locations, both in Spain and around the world. It is possible to show at the same time live audio and video, working documents and complete scientific images, like the ones obtained through a electron microscope or satellites. This technology enables a group of participants to listen and see each other, while sharing working documents, in real time and without delays. This gives the chance to work together without the disadvantages of having to move from one place to the other to attend the meetings.

The main features of an * AccessGrid room are:

  • It enables to carry out meetings/presentations in suitable room.
  • It enables the collaboration with other groups of people, both in Spain as in other places around the world which count on this technology.
  • It allows to use other meeting technologies, like PowerPoint presentations.
  • It provides with an environment which makes unnecessary to use a microphone, so there is a “feeling” of being in the same virtual room.

It shows a work desk of 3072 x 768 pixels.

In the Campus of Ourense, we have an audiovisual room in the Central Library (2nd floor), with about 25-30 seats.


Other facilities and resources

Door number Denomination Location
20 Playroom Basement floor
18-19 Multipurpose Emilio Pardo Bazán room Basement floor
31 Psych-pedagogical Unit Basement floor
01 Concierge Ground Floor
18 Pedagogical museum Third floor
13 Education Sciences Dean Office Secretariat Fourth floor
11 History Dean Office Secretariat Fourth floor
21 Vice-Chancellor Office in the Campus Fourth floor
32 Work council – ASS Fourth floor