The RD 822/2021 establishes that in order official university degrees graduated corresponding to the academic planning to be able to access a Bachelor’s Degree, there must be a previous admission of the university, and this must be done in accordance with the regulations of the university itself, which must recognise credits from the previous degree, according to the curriculum followed.

Degree Adaptation Courses Reports


It is not possible to get any specialisation if the Degree is obtained in this way. In the event that a specific specialisation is desired, students must attend to a total of 24 optional credits of the corresponding specialisation. It is possible to request the credit recognition in the case of having passed equivalent subjects in the accessing degree, excluding the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project, which cannot be subject to recognition in any case.


Admission Calendar 2023/2024

Process Date
Requests application from June 1 to July 15, 2023
Provisional list: Publicaranse no taboleiro electrónico como máximo sete días naturais despois de pechado o prazo de presentación de solicitudes
Claims Tres días naturais, contados dende o seguinte a esta publicación da listaxe provisional
Final list: Estarán como mínimo o día anterior ao comezo do prazo ordinario de matrícula (23 agosto)



Ordinary enrolment period: from August 23 to September 11, 2023.

In the event that not all the vacancies are filled in the bridging course, it is possible to make enrolment calls every three days when there are waiting lists until there are no vacancies.



In addition to the supporting documentation that allows valuation of the work experience and/or the specific selection criteria indicated in each case, those who have obtained the degree at another university will present:

  • Official title or certification of the payment of public prices of the title giving access issuing for its revision
  • Academic certification with the obtained marks to valueing the record