In order to achieve an education that enables the achievement of the aims and performance of the functions mentioned, it is necessary for future teachers to develop a series of competences that will allow them to achieve the objectives reflected on the Royal Decree 157/2022, of March 1, which establishes the minimum education and specifies the Primary Education objectives.

Since the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education qualifies for the exercise of a regulated professional activity in Spain (Teacher in Primary Education), the general and specific competences of the Degree have been established following the order ECI/3857/2007 of December 27.

Transversal (generic) competences were also assumed according to the model of the Project Tuning, collected in the White Book of the Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching. The proposed Degree design took into account the selection of subjects, educational activities and teaching methodologies, the needs for all students to acquire these skills during their educational period.

Based on the aspects mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the general competences (generic and general transversal of the degree) were formulated, as well as the specific competences for each of the training modules.

Hereunder you can find the basic competences that students must acquire during their studies (established by the Royal Decree 861/2010 ), the general competences of the degree, the specific competences for each module as well as the transversal ones.


Basic competences

Basic Competence 1 (CB1):
Students should show they have acquired and understood the knowledge in a field of study underpinned by general secondary education and which is usually at a level which-while drawing on advanced text books-also includes certain aspects that imply being familiar with the cutting edge of this field of study.

Basic Competence 2 (CB2):
Students should be able to apply the knowledge acquired to their work or vocation in a professional manner, and should have the skills normally demonstrated through the ability to develop and defends points of view and to solve problems related to their field of study.

Basic Competence 3 (CB3):
Students should be able to collect and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) in order to make judgements that include a reflection on the relevant social, scientific or ethical issues.

Basic Competence 4 (CB4):
Students should be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Basic Competence 5 (CB5):
Students should have developed the necessary learning skills in order to continue studying with a high level of autonomy.



General competences

General Competence 1 (CX1):
To know the objectives, curricular contents and evaluation criteria in Early Childhood Education.

General Competence 2 (CX2):
To promote and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a globalising and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.

General Competence 3 (CX3):
To design and regulate learning spaces in diversity contexts that meet the unique students educational needs, the gender equality, the equity and the respect for human rights.

General Competence 4 (CX4):
To encourage the coexistence in and out of the classroom and address the peaceful conflict resolution. To be able to systematically observe learning and coexistence contexts and to be able to reflect on them.

General Competence 5 (CX5):
To reflect in group on the acceptance of rules and respect for others. To promote each student’s autonomy and singularity as factors in the education on emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.

General Competence 6 (CX6):
To understand the evolution of language in early childhood, to be able to identify possible dysfunctions and to ensure its correct evolution. To effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. To have strong witting and verbal communication skills and to master the use of different expression techniques.

General Competence 7 (CX7):
To understand the educational implications of the communication and information technologies in early childhood, and, in particular, of television.

General Competence 8 (CX8):
To know the children’s dietetics and hygiene basics. To know the early care basics and the bases and developments that allow the understanding of the psychological processes, of learning and of construction of the personality in the early childhood.

General Competence 9 (CX9):
To understand the organisation of Early Childhood Schools and the diversity of actions that their operation includes. To assume that the teaching process must be improved and adapted according to the scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.

General Competence 10 (CX10):
To act as a counsellor for parents in the family education in the period 0-6 and master social skills in dealing with and relating to the family of each student and with the families as a whole.

General Competence 11 (CX11):
To reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching. To acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it within the students.

General Competence 12 (CX12):
To understand the role, possibilities and limits of education in the current society and the fundamental competences that affect early childhood education schools and their professionals. To understand different models of quality improvement applied to schools.



Specific Competences

Specific Competence 1 (CE1):
To understand the learning processes in the age period 6-12, in the family, social and school context.

Specific Competence 2 (CE2):
To understand the students characteristics, as well as the characteristics of their motivational and social contexts.

Specific Competence 3 (CE3):
To master the necessary knowledge to understand the students’ personality development and to identify dysfunctions.

Specific Competence 4 (CE4):
To identify learning difficulties, to inform about them and to collaborate on their treatment.

Specific Competence 5 (CE5):
To understand the current proposals and developments based in the skills learning.

Specific Competence 6 (CE6):
To identify and plan the resolution of educative situations which affect students with different abilities and different learning rates.


Specific Competence 7 (CE7):
To analyse and understand the educational processes in and out the classroom in the age period 6-12.

Specific Competence 8 (CE8):
To understand the Primary Education basics.

Specific Competence 9 (CE9):
To analyse the teaching practice and the institutional situations that frame them.

Specific Competence 10 (CE10):
To understand the historical evolution of the educative system in our country and the political and regulatory conditioning in the educative activity.

Specific Competence 11 (CE11):
To understand the interaction and communication processes in the classroom.

Specific Competence 12 (CE12):
To address and solve disciplinary problems.

Specific Competence 13 (CE13):
To promote the cooperative work and the individual work and effort.

Specific Competence 14 (CE14):
To promote actions on values education oriented to prepare an active and democratic citizenship.

Specific Competence 15 (CE15):
To understand and address school situations in multicultural contexts.

Specific Competence 16 (CE16):
To design, plan and evaluate the teaching activity and the learning in the classroom.

Specific Competence 17 (CE17):
To understand and apply innovative experiences in Primary Education.

Specific Competence 18 (CE18):
To participate in the definition of the educative project and the general activity of the centre attending the quality management criteria.

Specific Competence 19 (CE19):
To understand and apply basic educative research methodologies and techniques and to be able to design innovation projects identifying evaluation indicators.


Specific Competence 20 (CE20):
To show social skills to understand and to be understood by the families.

Specific Competence 21 (CE21):
To understand and to be able to put into practice the mentor and counsellor role in relation with the family education in the age period 6-12.

Specific Competence 22 (CE22):
To relate the education with the environment and to cooperate with the families and the community.

Specific Competence 23 (CE23):
To analyse and critically incorporate the most relevant issues of the current society that affect family and school education: social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and screens; changes in gender and intergenerational relationships; multiculturalism and interculturality; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development.

Specific Competence 24 (CE24):
To understand the historical evolution of family, of the different types of family, of lifestyles and education on the family context.


Specific Competence 25 (CE25):
To understand the basic principles and laws of the experimental sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology).

Specific Competence 26 (CE26):
To understand the school curricula of these sciences.

Specific Competence 27 (CE27):
To present and address problems related with science in the daily life.

Specific Competence 28 (CE28):
To value sciences as a cultural fact.

Specific Competence 29 (CE29):
To recognise the influence between science, society and technological development, as well as the pertinent citizens’ behaviour to promote a sustainable development.

Specific Competence 30 (CE30):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote the basic competences acquisition among the students.


Specific Competence 31 (CE31):
To understand the basic principles of Social Sciences.

Specific Competence 32 (CE32):
To understand the school curricula of the Social Sciences.

Specific Competence 33 (CE33):
To incorporate the historical and geographical study from a teaching and cultural point of view.

Specific Competence 34 (CE34):
To foster the democratic education on the citizenship and the social critical thinking practice.

Specific Competence 35 (CE35):
To value the relevance of the public and private institutions for the peaceful coexistance among people.

Specific Competence 36 (CE36):
To understand religion through history and its relation with culture.

Specific Competence 37 (CE37):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote corresponding competences among the students.


Specific Competence 38 (CE38):
To acquire basic mathematics skills (numeric, calculus, geometry, spatial representations, estimation and measurement, organisation and interpretation of information, etc.).

Specific Competence 39 (CE39):
To understand the school curricula of Mathematics.

Specific Competence 40 (CE40):
To analyse, reason and communicate mathematical proposals. To present and address problems related with daily life.

Specific Competence 41 (CE41):
To value the relation between Mathematics and Sciences as two pillars of the scientific thinking.

Specific Competence 42 (CE42):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote corresponding competences among the students.


Specific Competence 43 (CE43):
To understand the basic principles of the language and communication sciences.

Specific Competence 44 (CE44):
To acquire literary education and to know children’s literature.

Specific Competence 45 (CE45):
To understand the school curricula of Languages and Literature.

Specific Competence 46 (CE46):
To speak, read and write properly and correctly in the official languages of the corresponding Autonomous Community.

Specific Competence 47 (CE47):
To understand the process of learning how to write and its teaching.

Specific Competence 48 (CE48):
To promote reading and encourage writing.

Specific Competence 49 (CE49):
To understand the difficulties to learn official languages for students with a different mother tongue.

Specific Competence 50 (CE50):
To address language learning situations in multilingual contexts.

Specific Competence 51 (CE51):
To express oneself orally and and in writing in a foreign language.

Specific Competence 52 (CE52):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote corresponding competences among the students.


Specific Competence 53 (CE53):
To understand the principles contributing to the cultural, personal and social education from arts.

Specific Competence 54 (CE54):
To understand the school curricula on Artistic Education, on the plastics, audiovisual and musical aspects.

Specific Competence 55 (CE55):
To acquire resources to foster participation in the lifetime in musical and plastic activities in and outside school.

Specific Competence 56 (CE56):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote corresponding competences among the students.


Specific Competence 57 (CE57):
To understand the principles contributing to the cultural, personal and social education from Physical Education.

Specific Competence 58 (CE58):
To understand the school curricula of Physical Education.

Specific Competence 59 (CE59):
To acquire resources to foster participation in the lifetime in sport activities in and outside school.

Specific Competence 60 (CE60):
To develop and evaluate curricular contents through the appropriate teaching resources and to promote corresponding competences among the students.


Practicum and Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Specific Competence 61 (CE61):
To acquire a practical knowledge on the classrooms, as well as its management.

Specific Competence 62 (CE62):
To understand and apply the interaction and communication processes in the classroom and master the necessary social skills to encourage a learning and coexistence classroom climate.

Specific Competence 63 (CE63):
To control and monitor the educative process and, in particular, the teaching-learning through the necessary techniques and strategies mastering.

Specific Competence 64 (CE64):
To relate theory to practice with the reality of the classroom and centre.

Specific Competence 65 (CE65):
To take part in the teaching activity and to learn to know how, acting and reflecting from the practice.

Specific Competence 66 (CE66):
To take part in the improvement proposals in different policy areas within the centre.

Specific Competence 67 (CE67):
To regulate the interaction and communication processes in students group in the ages 6-12.

Specific Competence 68 (CE68):
To understand the collaboration possibilities within the different sectors in the educative community and in the social environment.

Specific Competence 69 (CE69):
These competences, together with the ones from other subjects, will be reflected in the Bachelor’s Degree Final Project which puts together all the education acquired through all the described education.



Transversal Competences

Transversal Competence 1 (CT1):
Ability to analyse and synthesise.

Transversal Competence 2 (CT2):
Ability to organise and plan.

Transversal Competence 3 (CT3):
Oral and written communication in the mother tongue.

Transversal Competence 4 (CT4):
Foreign language knowledge.

Transversal Competence 5 (CT5):
Knowledge on IT applied to the field of study.

Transversal Competence 6 (CT6):
Information management skills.

Transversal Competence 7 (CT7):
Problem solving.

Transversal Competence 8 (CT8):
Decision making.

Transversal Competence 9 (CT9):

Transversal Competence 10 (CT10):
Interdisciplinary teamwork.

Transversal Competence 11 (CT11):
Working in an international context.

Transversal Competence 12 (CT12):
Interpersonal relations skills.

Transversal Competence 13 (CT13):
Diversity and multiculturalism recognition.

Transversal Competence 14 (CT14):
Critical thinking.

Transversal Competence 15 (CT15):
Ethical commitment.

Transversal Competence 16 (CT16):
Autonomous learning.

Transversal Competence 17 (CT17):
New circumstances adaptation.

Transversal Competence 18 (CT18):

Transversal Competence 19 (CT19):

Transversal Competence 20 (CT20):
Knowledge on other cultures and customs.

Transversal Competence 21 (CT21):
Initiative or entrepreneurship.

Transversal Competence 22 (CT22):
Motivation for quality.

Transversal Competence 23 (CT23):
Awareness on environmental topics.