Tellado González

Senior Lecturer

Area of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Department of Evolutionary Psychology and Communication

Contact information

Faculty of Education and Social Work
Pavillón 2, Planta baixa, Despacho 3
As Lagoas, s/n
32004 Ourense

+34 988 387 177


Teaching profile at UVigo

1st term

Open Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education

O05G110V01305 | Psicoloxía: Prevención e tratamento das dificultades na aprendizaxe infantil

Grao en Educación Primaria

O05G120V01981 | Prácticas externas: Practicum

Máster Universitario en Dificultades de Aprendizaxe e Procesos Cognitivos

O05M053V01103 | Dificultades de Aprendizaxe no Proceso Lector (coordinator)
O05M053V01105 | Técnicas de Medida dos Procesos Lectores (coordinator)

2nd term



1st term

On-site tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in fixed timetable on the following schedule:
– Monday: from 10:00 to 12:00, Despacho 3, pabellón 2, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
– Monday: from 13:00 to 15:00, Despacho 3, pabellón2, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social


2nd term

On-site tutorials
The teaching staff has a on-site tutorials offer in fixed timetable on the following schedule:
– Monday: from 12:00 to 14:00, Despacho 3, pabellón 2, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social
– Thursday: from 10:00 to 12:00, Despacho 3, pabellón 2, Facultade de Educación e Traballo Social